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Why do people sleep during church service?

There is nothing new under the sun. Things that happen today as we worship God have been happening since worship services began. There are those who are excited, others who are in awe, some who are confused, and yes, some who are asleep. We like to think of Paul as a mighty gospel preacher, and he was (Acts 24:25).

However, when Paul preached one Sunday in Troas, a young man named Eutychus fell asleep and eventually fell out of a window (Acts20:7-12 ). I would like to think that if Paul came to our congregation and preached people would be all ears, but the truth is, that might not happen. As great as God is, and as privileged as we are to be able to worship God, why is it that some people sleep in church comfortably even with the loud speakers ?
When it's time for praise you would see almost everyone dancing different styles and sweating profusely, but few minutes into the sermon people are already dozing off?
Above all we all need prayers. 

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